May 20th 2001 marked the second MA Vic Meet. The day's turnout was 12 cars, as you can see in the above photo. I did not take that shot. Credit must go to Stuntman Jim M., who climbed onto a roof with everyone's cameras (eccept mine) to get the ultimate angle. I'm happy to say he arrived on the ground intact and unbruised.
Big Bad Joe brought both his cars (well, excuse US!), and started everyone doing brake-stands. There was so much rubber on the ground and smoke in the air I kept thinking that I'd get the ticket for everyone else (yes, I did join in the fun). For those present who were wondering, the official measurement of the first 2 rubber marks left by Joe and myself measured: Joe/29'11" and Nells/39'5". But later when competition got nasty, the numbers went way up, though our official measurer Mike didn't make any official measurements.
As usual, everyone looked over the cars, talked about future mods, past injuries, and kept saying "why doesn't my car have that??" Our host Joe then took us on a convoy to Dairy Queen before hitting the highways for home. We ended up touring 2 or 3 mall parking lots, drawing many interesting looks and comments as we drove. We all were saying over radios that we wish we had a video camera, or that someone could take a good photo of us all. Stuntman Jim came to the rescue again, as you can see to the right. And yes, we stopped at red lights...
All in all a nice day. No tickets and no injuries. Just some cars, pizzas, bees, parking lots, and frozen sugar. What more could a person want?!